Desperate Virgin Page 3
‘I haven’t eaten tonight. Could you eat something?’
Julie had felt her stomach rumble a few times. She wasn’t sure if it was nerves, or hunger taunting her. ‘Yes, they do a good evening menu.’ Not only a date, a meal; it just got better!
Simon was the perfect gentleman throughout the evening. When the bar closed at twelve o’clock, he walked her to her car.
‘I could offer you a night cap back at mine,’ he offered.
‘No thanks. I’ve had a lovely evening, but a nightcap might put me over the limit for driving home.’
‘There are two solutions. You don’t go home, or we don’t bother with the nightcap.’ Julie heard herself give an impromptu giggle. Sex! On the first night! Was that what he meant? No, she’d probably got it all wrong.
‘I’d better go home.’
‘Okay. Can we meet again?’
‘I hope so. I’ve enjoyed tonight thanks.’
‘No, thank you. The evening has been exquisite. If I can’t tempt you any further, I’ll ring you.’ He put his arms around her and bent to kiss her. She tingled with pleasure. Maybe she should go home with him! What was she like? No, don’t rush in and make mistakes.
She woke the following morning in her own bed, in ecstasy. They’d kissed. He wanted to see her again. Did he count as a boyfriend? How many dates did it take to qualify as a girlfriend? With a broad grin, she climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom. She couldn’t wait to tell Paul. Would he be out of his stroppy mood by now?
She met Paul at lunchtime in the White Swan. He looked positively bored with the details.
‘That’s where we sat,’ Julie gushed as she spoke and pointed to a corner table.
‘How long are you going to go on about him? You only had a date for God’s sake!’
‘I shared a meal with a man, and he kissed me.’
‘Oh please, do spare me the gory details. So when will you call man number two?’
‘I don’t think I’ll bother. I like Simon.’
‘I like Simon,’ Paul mimicked sarcastically. ‘You need to leave your options open. If he doesn’t call, you’ll be back to no one again, and I don’t think I could bear that.’
‘Mmm. I suppose you’re right,’ she agreed, feeling dispirited. ‘Okay, I might call another one when I get home.’
As she walked in through the front door, her phone rang. She rummaged in her bag and pressed to answer.
‘Is that Julie?’
‘Yes, who’s this?’
‘Robyn. We met at the Barrister’s Arms last week.’
‘Oh yes, hello.’
‘I wondered if we could get together?’
‘Yes, great.’
Having confirmed a day and time, she pressed her phone off and giggled to herself. Two dates in a week! Life was looking up. This was definitely one girl having fun for a change.
Robyn was the complete opposite to Simon. He dressed like a hippy. His hair was a tangled mass of tight curls falling well below his collar. Julie couldn’t remember him looking like that when they first met. Maybe he’d dressed to impress that night. Julie paid for alternate drinks and she was sure she could smell something strange wafting from his hand rolled cigarettes even when they were being smoked outside in the fresh night air. She’d joined him outside to be polite; it would have felt awkward sitting in the pub on her own. She stood outside freezing. She hadn’t dressed for an evening outdoors.
After the fifth cigarette, Julie wanted to go home. Conversation was minimal and Robyn referred to everyone, including her, as man!
‘Oh no, is that the time?’ she said glancing at the large clock on the wall of the pub. I have to go. Sorry to break up the evening.’
‘That’s okay, man. I’ll give you a call.’
‘No, don’t do that. I’ll call you. I’m busy for the next few weeks.’
‘Okay. Cool.’
She walked away and felt a surge of relief. Their lifestyles were a world apart and whilst she was open to change, Robyn pushed the boundaries too far.
The following morning, she wondered if she could be bothered to ring the third man. Dave. He had been more reserved than Simon, but he had been nice. There was something intriguing about him. She was enjoying herself. A third date, why not? She keyed in his phone number and felt a funny sort of twinge as it rang.
‘Hello, Dave here.’
‘Hello Dave. It’s Julie, we met—’
‘Oh yes, Julie. Sorry I haven’t called you. My sister’s been ill so I’ve been helping out with her children and it hasn’t left me with much time for dating. Shall we meet up soon?’
‘I’d like to.’ She chose a different pub to meet in. Luckily she had frequented so many with Paul. She liked this dating game. Dave sounded nice.
Dave was a real gentleman, polite and the most caring, friendly man Julie had ever met. The thought did cross her mind, that after Paul, any man might give the impression of being kind and thoughtful. Dave’s wife had passed away two years earlier. Dave said he’d spent too many lonely hours on his own and now felt the time was right to have a life again. As he spoke of his wife, Julie could see his brow furrow and his eyes turn sadder. They had obviously been very much in love and Julie sighed.
When people told her of their past, Julie always felt so naive. To say she had never even dated sounded so pathetic. Instead she brushed the subject aside saying she had never found Mr Right. It wasn’t a complete lie.
They spent a pleasant evening chatting and laughing, getting to know each other. Dave was easy going and nice to talk to. He owned his own garage, and of late, spent most of his time keeping up with orders and accounts, and dealing with the customers while employing two mechanics to do the car repairs. She hadn’t remembered him being so chatty before.
‘Julie, could I see you again? I’ve had such a lovely evening. I can’t remember the last time I felt so relaxed,’ he said.
‘I’ve had a good time too. Yes, I’d like to see you again.’
He looked her in the eyes. ‘I hope you don’t think I’m being forward, but next time I wonder if I could pick you up from your house? Somehow it doesn’t seem right to ask a lady to walk into a pub on her own. I’m a bit old-fashioned.’
‘Thank you. Yes, that would be lovely.’ Julie scribbled her address for him and they parted company with a friendly kiss on the cheek having made an arrangement for the following Saturday night. Dave wanted to take her for a meal at a new restaurant in the next town.
Julie was ecstatic. A real date! She’d been invited out for dinner. Dave was a sweetie. Life was so good! If she kept going out like she had during the past week, she’d need more clothes. She’d go shopping on Saturday. Paul could come if he wanted to, but he’d more than likely be in another strop because she was having a good time. She’d have to ride the waves and hope he’d come around. He was her best friend. She didn’t want to lose him because she had a boyfriend, but was aware she had to play down her happiness to avert his jealous mood swings.
Julie smiled to herself. Two boyfriends! How shocking! Oh my God, it won’t be long before sex will be on the agenda. A small shudder ran through her body. She’d have to decide between Simon and Dave before anything sexual began. Problems, problems. She had never envisaged herself having to choose between two men.
Julie found something quite challenging about Simon. He was always attentive and complimentary. With plenty to say, there was never a dull moment when they were together. She would have liked to see more of him, but he had quite a busy life. She wasn’t sure what he did for a living.
‘If I told you I’d have to kill you,’ he told her, laughing at her face. ‘Seriously, my work is sort of private. It wouldn’t be professional to talk about it.’ Julie was intrigued. A spy? Police? Undercover maybe. He didn’t keep regular work hours, he’d told her he was quite often out working until late. Whatever work he did was obviously important. On the second date he answered a phone call as they neared the end of the meal.
r /> ‘Could you get the bill? I’ll sort you out next time. Have to rush.’ Julie didn’t mind. How wonderful to have such an exciting job.
On the third date, Julie gave in to his sexual demands. They had left the restaurant and were standing next to his car.
‘Come back to mine. I can give you back the money for the meal. I feel awful forgetting my wallet.’
‘No, it’s alright. Give it to me next time.’
‘I need you, Julie. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. Why don’t you want me? Don’t you feel anything for me?’
‘Of course I do.’
‘What’s the problem then? You don’t fancy me do you?’
‘I do, but—’
‘But! I hate that word! Okay if you don’t want to see me again, I understand.’
‘It’s not that, she said.’
‘So tell me you want me.’
‘I do.’ They climbed into the car and he drove to his flat.
They had barely closed the front door when he ravished her. He pushed her up against the hall wall while he roughly undressed the parts he needed. He cupped her breasts, bit each nipple in turn then ran his tongue down between her legs. Julie was breathless! She stood against the wall as he pushed himself into her. Her head banged on the wall, keeping her alert, her feet barely touched the floor.
‘Great! You are something else,’ he said, panting into her ear.
Afterwards, Julie couldn’t say she hadn’t enjoyed it, but she felt sure her first experience wasn’t going to be the best. If her head hadn’t bashed against the wall so hard she might have been able to relax a bit more. She had always imagined her first passionate embrace to be on silk sheets in a heavily-pillowed, king-sized bed where she would be pampered and seduced. No such thing as gentle seduction with Simon. Wham! Bam! Over and out!
Julie gathered her clothes together and dressed. She hadn’t planned to have sex this early on in their relationship; it wasn’t safe for her. She must go to the doctor.
‘Do you want to stay, or shall I take you back to your car now?’
‘I want a drink, so it’s up to you. In the morning or now?’ He sounded like he wanted a quick answer.
She hadn’t brought her toothbrush. ‘I’d better go now.’
Simon picked up his car keys. He drove to her car, pulled up and revved his engine. ‘I’ll call you, right gorgeous,’ he said as he reached across in front of her and swung the door open.
‘Okay. Goodnight, thanks for a nice evening.’
‘See you.’ He pulled away before she’d opened her own car door. Strange! He turned left instead of right at the end of the road. He forgot to give her the money for the meal as well. He’d give it to her next time. Sex! She’d had sex! Albeit a disappointing experience, she was NOT a virgin! Next time it would be brilliant; she’d insist on being in, or at least on a bed. She drove home. Tomorrow she’d ring Paul. She laughed to herself. She’d have to be careful with details.
Simon hadn’t called and the days were creeping on. She’d been so sure he’d ring the day after their encounter. Dave called and invited her out for dinner. She couldn’t go out with him when she was in a relationship with Simon; it wasn’t right.
‘I’m sorry Dave, I can’t. I have all sorts going on during the next couple of weeks. Can I call you?’
Dave, as always, understood.
Eventually Paul answered his phone.
‘I’ve been trying to get hold of you for days,’ she moaned.
‘You only want to bore me with gory details. I thought I’d let the land lie until you were over it.’
‘There might not be any gory details.’
‘Well, maybe a few. I’m not a virgin!’
‘La, la, la,’ Paul sang down the phone. ‘I don’t want to hear another word,’ he ordered. Julie laughed.
‘Okay, how about a spag boll and no details. I’ve got vodka.’
‘Done! Be around about seven darling.’
A bottle of vodka later, Julie could no longer harbour the gory details.
‘Yuk! Against the wall. Not comfortable.’
‘Tell me about it! My head was bruised where it rammed against the wall so hard,’ she said indignantly.
Paul laughed. ‘Was he undressed?’
‘No, he lobbed it out and carried on! I didn’t even see it!’
‘So you’re not a virgin, but you still haven’t seen one! Bizarre!’
‘I still haven’t touched one either!’ They sat in silence taking in her last statement. Their eyes met and they spontaneously fell about in rapturous laughter.
‘Only you! That could only happen to you!’ Paul said, wiping his eyes.
Julie staggered to the kitchen and returned with a second bottle of vodka. ‘Story of my life!’
Paul spent the night on the sofa, covered with a quilt. They eventually surfaced at lunchtime and sat at the breakfast bar drinking coffee.
‘When will you see him again?’
‘He hasn’t rung.’ She looked and sounded deflated.
‘Oh! Bastard! What about the other one, Dave?’
‘I told him I was busy. I can’t see him now I’ve had sex with Simon.’
‘Yes, you can. No good putting all your eggs in one basket. Ring Dave and get out there.’
Julie thought for a moment before a smile crossed her lips. ‘You’re right. I will.’
Dave collected her that evening and took her to a restaurant in the country.
‘So, how’s your week been?’
‘Good thanks. How about yours?’
‘It’s been good. I’ve been out a few times. I know you’re busy so I don’t like to bother you.’
‘Dave, you never bother me. I like your company.’
‘That’s what I like. Friends. Nothing complicated.’
‘Is that enough for you, Dave?’
‘Absolutely. I can’t imagine having a serious relationship yet. I’m not ready, I thought I was, but there you go.’
‘I have a confession to make. I am seeing someone else and it’s more than friends. I’d still like us to meet up now and again, if that’s okay with you?’
‘Perfect. Just friends; that suits me fine.’
Dave liked Julie. That was an understatement. There was something vulnerable about her. She wasn’t tarty and all glammed up like women he’d been with before his lovely Chrissy. In his heyday, women threw themselves at him; he’d never wanted or been interested in that sort, they were ten a penny.
When he’d met Chrissy, he knew he’d never look back. Intelligent, loving, and the kindest person he’d ever met. When she died, she left a gaping hole of loneliness and despair.
That was the trouble. He didn’t know how to break out of the mould and start his life again. If he’d been interested in sex with anyone else, he’d have felt unfaithful.
For now, friendship would have to be enough; he couldn’t give any more.
Simon rang Julie a week later. ‘How are you gorgeous?’
‘Fine thanks.’ As soon as she heard his voice her mood lightened. She had been feeling anxious he hadn’t rang sooner.
‘Do you fancy meeting up sometime soon?’
They made the arrangements and a few days later, they sat in a bar.
‘I need to ask you something.’
‘This sounds serious,’ she said, intrigued.
‘I don’t suppose there’s any chance of staying at yours for a few nights? I’ve got this job on and need to lie low for a few days. I’ll understand if not, no problem.’
Julie was thoughtful. ‘I don’t know... I suppose a few days—’
‘It would be, and as soon as you say, I’d move straight out again. If it makes it awkward—’
‘No, it’s not that. It’s a bit soon.’
‘I meant in a spare room, not in together. I know we’re not at that stage yet.’ He frowned and went quiet for a moment. ‘Tell you what, forget I me
ntioned it, I’ll sort something out.’
‘No. It’s fine. It’ll be fine.’ She gulped. What had she agreed to? She hardly knew him. A surge of excitement ran through her. She must be mad! What harm could a few days do? Paul wasn’t going to believe this one!
Simon smiled and stood up. ‘Fantastic. I’ll go and get my stuff.’
‘I need to be out of the flat as soon as possible. Is that a problem?’
Julie hesitated. ‘No, I suppose not. I’ll go home and make a bed up for you.’
‘That’s a girl! See you in about an hour. Oh, I’d better have the address.’
‘I nearly forgot,’ she said. One of my earrings must have come out at yours. Did you find it?’
‘No, I don’t think so.’
Julie drove home in a bemused frame of mind. This was the most exciting thing she’d ever done. Her life was always so predictable. She’d never seen herself taking a chance! What was she thinking? He’s only staying in the spare room for a couple of days, nothing to get excited about. That just proves how boring her life must be. A live-in lover! Not quite, but nearly!
A while later, Simon turned up with several bags.
‘You look like you’re here for the duration,’ Julie commented.
‘I might not be able to go back for a while, I thought it might be best to grab what I could.’
Julie showed him into the spare room. ‘Only a single bed I’m afraid.’
‘It’ll do. I’m starving. Have you eaten yet?’
‘No, I could find something. It’s a bit late to go back out now.’
‘Okay gorgeous. Be down in a moment.’
Julie scoured the fridge and then the freezer. ‘I could defrost chilli-con carne,’ she called up the stairs.
‘Sounds good to me. Any tortilla chips to go with it?’
‘No sorry. Rice?’
‘That’ll have to do.’
They sat in front of the television eating dinner from trays on their laps.
‘I can’t be doing with all this soap rubbish. What’s on the other side?’ Simon moaned.
Julie passed him the remote control. It might be good to watch something different for a few days; she was in rather a rut where the soaps were concerned.